Lance Garduna

His whole life has been a fight to overcome dyslexia and other learning disabilities but with the help of the Holy Spirt he has helped build ministries all over the country. He started a business with his dad and turned it into a multi million dollar company. Now his time is dedicated to helping other people achieve their goals and dreams and to his wife and kids.

Vinny Correale

Vinny has gone from Youth Pastor to Executive Pastor all while managing at multi million dollar producing restaurants. He has gained experience in many areas of ministry and business. He has a passion for helping people and loves seeing others grow to their full potential in Christ. Married to Krystal for 21 years with 8 kids (4 biological, 4 adopted) he enjoys quality time with his family and helping others going through the process of adoption.

Alexis Garduna

A mother of 2 boys and wife to Lance. She’s been involved in ministry for the past 11 years with an evangelistic team winning people to Christ, administrating creative teams, and singing on praise & worship teams. Her goal is to see people come into their identity in Christ through different aspects of creativity and the arts.

Chad Borgardt

Chad has been a media director & involved with Church production as a director, camera director & operator, marketing director, graphic designer, and more. His passion is to expand the vision presented to him and push it in front of as many people as he can through visuals and social media. He is married to his amazing wife Aimee, and they have a two cute little boys named Cayde and Finley.